Wintergatan VIP+1 Tour Meetup for Legacy MMX Contributors

To all Marble Machine X Legacy Contributors

If the World Tour ever happens, I would like to meet all Legacy Contributors personally and thank you for your support. I don´t know for sure that the tour will happen, but I do know that I dedicate myself to making it real. It would be a great joy and honor to meet you all in person and celebrate a potential success together.

If you started supporting the Marble Machine X before or on October 1 2021, and your support meets the requirements for a VIP+1 Ticket, please register your VIP+1 Ticket in the form below.

The VIP tickets are exclusively for Legacy Contributors, New Contributors from October 2, 2021, or after are not eligible for VIP+1 Tickets.

// Martin

I have sent in my registration - What happens now?
The Registration will be reviewed in a manual process that can take up to two weeks. Please bear with us during September 2021 if this process takes a little bit longer since we are probably handling thousands of registrations at once in the beginning. Once your registration is confirmed you can see your name in the list here.

I have questions regarding the VIP+1 Ticket - Where can i ask them?
Please email:

Who are eligible for the VIP+1 Tickets?
Here are the groups who are eligible for the VIP+1 Tickets:

Patreon / 100 / 200 / 300 / 400 USD

  • For you, whose total contribution through Patreon/Youtube Memberships has amassed to 100 USD or more


Legacy Youtube Membership 1 year / 2 years / 3 years / 4 years

  • For you who became Youtube Member on or before OCT 1 2021 and has been a member for over one year or more since then.

Volunteering Time

  • For you who have spent time working on something that has contributed to the Marble Machine X in a meaningful way. For example, being part of the CAD-Team, Manufacturing Parts, made prototypes, animated CAD renders featured in Wintergatan Videos, Discord Moderators, Youtube Subtitle Translators, etcetera etcetera. 


Sponsored Machines/Materials

  • For you who have sent free Machines/Materials/Software to support the Marble Machine X